Saturday 3 January 2015

Presentation of Awards Night February 5th at the Horse & Groom, Ningwood

2014 Trophy Winners.

SHORE CHAMPION.        Overall shore champion.              Liam Smith

 SHORE CHAMPION.       Ladies shore champion.               Mandy Winchcombe & Christina Bennett

 SHORE CHAMPION.       Junior shore champion.               Calum Smith

 FISH OF THE YEAR.       Based on % Island records.         Nick Cassford  Undulate Ray.  16 lb 7 oz (Shore)
 MRS BURT BASS CUP.   Best bass-boat or shore               J. Porter  11 lb  3 oz.  (Shore)

 T. PERKINS JUNIOR.       Best specimen by a junior.          Lauren Walls flounder 1lb 14.5oz

 COD CUP.                           Best cod - boat or shore.             Geoff Thorner  27 lb  12 oz

 RED LION TROPHY.         Best specimen in shore comps.   Steve Carr, black bream, 3lb 8.5oz 

 STURGESS SHIELD.         Best specimen not winning any                 
                                                other award. (% of Club records)  Nick Cassford smoothound 17lb 5oz
 K. YOUNG TROPHY.        Best specimen from a boat.            Geoff Thorner.  Cod.  27 lb 12 oz
 ATKINSON CONGER.     Best conger -   in shore comps.     Aaron Dyer 5lb 15.5oz (Jan comp)

 TEAM TROPHY.                Team of 3 - shore comps.            Liam Smith,  Simon Deacon  &  Michael Wyatt

KNOCKOUT CUP.                                                                       Liam Smith              

BLACK BREAM: Steven Carr, 3 lb 8 oz
FLOUNDER: Dave  Jupe, 3 lb 5 oz
MULLET: Aiden Aisher, 5 lb 5 oz
SMOOTHOUND: Liam Smith, 10 lb 8 oz
COD: Geoff Thorner, 27 lb 12 oz

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