Wednesday 22 November 2017


I've just got back from a walk along Norton Wall early this morning, in order to check my boat mooring in the harbour. 
The wall was littered with piles of seaweed, empty drinks cans, plastic bags and bottles, empty bait wraps and discarded traces.
I picked up one trace with hooks and bait still attached and met a lady dog-walker who had also picked up a trace with mackerel strips attached. One of her dogs had also picked up a trace and had two hooks embedded in its chest! She was on her way to the vet.

Apart from being unsightly and dangerous, the people responsible for this clearly have no respect for other beach users or for the environment. They are also bringing the name of the Club into disrepute. I am fed up with getting phone calls or letters from people who think that I am responsible for this behaviour simply because I am Chairman of Western Wight.

I know that most anglers who fish the Winter League are not club members and I would find it difficult to justify holding any future Winter Leagues under the Banner of Western Wight.

Please pass this on.

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