Wednesday 10 February 2016


Wednesday March 16th
This year's AGM and presentation of awards will be held at the Horse & Groom, Ningwood.
Commencing 7.30 for those who wish to eat. The AGM will start at approximately 8pm and will be followed by the presentation of awards.
Any propositions must be submitted to the Chairman or Secretary no later than the 1st March. 
All propositions must be in writing, signed and seconded.

Below is a list of Trophy Winners for 2015

FLOUNDER,        Simon Deacon                   2 lb 8 oz
MULLET,             Aiden Aisher                    6 lb 5 oz
SMOOTHOUND,  Paul Fincham                  15 lb 7 o
UNDULATE RAY,   Jack Porter                   16lb 4oz

 SHORE CHAMPION. Overall shore champion.L. SMITH
 SHORE CHAMPION. Junior shore champion. C. SMITH
 FISH OF THE YEAR. Based on % Island records. J. PORTER  Undulate Ray 16 lb 14 oz
95.7% of IOW Record
 MRS BURT BASS CUP. Best bass-boat or shore L. SMITH.  5 lb 14 oz
 T. PERKINS JUNIOR. Best specimen by a junior.Not Awarded
 COD CUP. Best cod - boat or shore. N. CASSFORD.  12 lb 3 oz.
 RED LION TROPHY. Best specimen in shore comps.J. PORTER  Undulate Ray 16 lb 14 oz
 STURGESS SHIELD. Best specimen not winning any  A. AISHER.  Mullet  6 lb 0.5 oz
other award. (% of Club records)Shore
 K. YOUNG TROPHY. Best specimen from a boat. K. YOUNG.   Undulate Ray.  19 lb
 ATKINSON CONGER. Best conger -   shore.M. KNIGHT.   20 lb  5 oz 
 TEAM TROPHY. Team of 4 - shore comps.

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